Welcome to the Banana's Class!

Dear Banana's Families, It is hard to believe we have made it through the first month of our school year! We have loved getting to know your child and watching the new friendships form in our class. This month we have learned all about our new class and friends, as well as, all of our new routines and rules for the classroom and school. Our friends are having so much fun exploring the new centers in our classroom and the various toys, materials, and activities found in those centers. In our table toys center/math center, the friends engaged in measuring, counting, and sorting activities with unifix cubes. The friends were encouraged to measure various types of houses and buildings, sort the unifix cubes by color, and count how many they used. They also engaged in a matching/turn taking game by matching their pictures of their new friends! We have been really busy in our art center this month! The friends explored play with paint, watercolor paints, paint...