April- Spring!


It is hard to believe that we have already made it through April and are approaching our last full month of this school year! We have had so much fun at school this month learning about the season of Spring! 

In the block center, the friends worked together to design and build flower shops and gardens with their friends. In the dramatic play center they engaged in play in our Flower Shop. The friends created bouquets and flower arrangements for their friends, they "planted" seeds to grow flowers, and engaged in role playing as gardener, employee, and customer.  


The friends used various tools in the science center to explore the various parts of the flower and plants. They examined the stem, petals, leaves, and talked about the process of growing flowers and plants. 


Our friends were busy in the math and literacy centers creating their own patterns and identifying and matching rhyming words. They used pictures of various bugs and insects to create their own patterns and created rhyming word matches with words related to springtime. 


In the art center our friends painted with flowers, charted and created a rainbow of flowers, and used the letters in their names to create a beautiful flower pot. 




Our Family School Partnership Day at Marbles was so much fun! We always love seeing our children and families out in the community!


  Finally, we celebrated NAEYC Week of the Young Child this month. There was a special activity planned for each day of that week.  The friends had the opportunity to join in on a dance party with our music teacher, create a kite, plant flowers in our flower garden, enjoy some tasty snacks, and add their feather to our school butterfly mural!



We will be learning about transportation during the month of May!


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