Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!
We have had so much fun this month celebrating the holidays. Our days (and centers) were filled with the most fun activities to celebrate the holiday season!

We had so much fun kicking off our month of celebrations with our families and building our gingerbread houses. We were impressed by the creativity in all the houses!



We were busy in the art center creating our holiday art projects! We painted with cookie cutters, used collage materials to create our own gingerbread man, practiced our cutting skills by cutting wrapping paper and making a wrapping paper collage, and used shapes to design our own gingerbread houses. 



We loved playing our Gingerbread Man board game that was added to our table toys center. The friends practiced turn taking and counting and were always so happy for their friends who were the winners. We also used holiday lights to create and/or match patterns. 



In the block center the friends constructed gingerbread houses and gingerbread house villages. They were very creative in their designs of the houses!


Lastly, we had a blast celebrating the holidays with our theme days at FLS! 

Plaid Day!
Ugly Holiday Sweater Day!
Pajama Day

We wish everyone Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! We can't wait to see our friends in January!





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