
It is hard to believe that January has already come and gone! We have had so much fun in the class this month learning all about winter! 

In the table toys/math center we explored shapes and patterns. The friend matched shapes and created winter pictures/animals using various shapes. The friends also created their own AB or ABB patterns to create a snowman. 



  We have been really busy in the literacy center this month! The friends used snowmen to match upper and lower case letters, used penguins to match letters to the initial sound in a word, identified rhyming words, and were introduced to syllables in words and learned to clap their hands to identify how many syllables were in a word!


The blocks and dramatic play center were very popular this month! Our dramatic play center was transformed into an ice skating rink and coffee shop. The friends engaged in various roles as customer, employee, barista, figure skater, and more. We had so much fun in this center, that we forgot to take pictures! In the block center, the children engaged in play with "snow" and "ice" to construct various igloos, ice sculptures, snow angels, practiced shoveling the snow, and more!


In the art center the children continued to practice their cutting skills with many of the art projects that we completed. We decorated hats, used mittens to spell our names, painted snow, and not pictured are the penguins and polar bears that we created. 



Next month we will begin the month talking about Friendship and end the month beginning our Community Helper unit! 



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